First Washington Realty

FWR is dedicated to improving the communities where we live and work. We focus on doing the right thing, profitably, through our environmental, social and company policies. FWR Cares about giving back and helping to build a better world.


  • Created a Sustainability Task Force
  • Appointed a Director of Sustainability
  • Added solar power to our portfolio
  • Participate in Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) survey
  • Utilize sustainable roofs to reduce heat island effect
  • Introduce LED lights to our properties to reduce greenhouse gases
  • Reduce water consumption through the use of native and drought-resistant plantings


  • FWR Cares generates volunteer participation to support community-based organizations
  • Corporate commitment to diversity and inclusion
  • In-kind support for breast cancer awareness and other community initiatives
  • Public art

ESG Goals and Targets

Net Zero Target Commitment

First Washington Realty is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible for all controlled operations and achieve net zero by 2050.

Our goal of achieving net zero is driven by our desire to improve the communities we serve and combat climate change. To achieve this, we measure, reduce, and report greenhouse gas emissions consumed in shared areas and spaces within our control. We pledge to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 100% for all controlled operations by 2050, compared to a 2019 baseline. This effort to decrease carbon emissions is aligned with the Paris Agreement and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recommendation to keep global warming below 1.5 Celsius.


    • FWR commits to upgrading lighting of landlord-controlled spaces to energy-efficient LED systems by 50% (based on floor area) by 2025.
    • FWR commits to installing EV charging stations at 40% of our portfolio (based on floor area) by 2030.


    • FWR commits to installing drip or smart irrigation technology and/or apply xeriscaping strategies to reduce water consumption at 50% of the portfolio (based on floor area) by 2030.


    • FWR commits to improving waste data coverage of our portfolio to 95% by 2025
    • FWR commits to improving the portfolio’s waste diversion rate to 30% by 2030

Sustainability Results

Click here to see how we are progressing against our ESG commitments.